We watch movies

Notice of Resurrection

In Administrative, Chip Kincaid on January 7, 2009 at 2:50 pm

The long-awaited and prophesied day has arrived–the day upon which all dead things shall be revivified and all old things renewed. And by all dead and old things, we mean this blog. Make all needful things ready.

In all seriousness, we sincerely apologize to all our fans Susan K. for being so negligent of our little piece of the online community. As some of you may know, the life of Chip Kincaid has been a turbulent one, involving sudden decisions to relocate across continents, experimentation in self-medication, and all sorts of exciting (though unmentionable) occurrences. But all that is behind us now, and we are ready to once again make our vital contribution to pseudo-intellectual film criticism.

In the spirit of delusional grandeur, we hereby announce the triumphant revival of WWM. Our legal department has also advised us to issue the following warning:

Attn: Uwe Boll, Nic Cage, Michael Bay, Miss Lohan, Benji Affleck, Kevin Costner, Paris Hilton, Alien Prince Xanadu aka Tom Cruise, Keanu, et al.

Oh ye perpetrators of cinematic crimes against humanity–ye who give birth to slimy, fetal reels of filth–be ye hereby warned. The authors of this site intend to expose the vulnerable truth of your uselessness. By reading this warning, you waive any rights to pursue redress for textual attacks, including slander, libel, and verbal evisceration. The long night of your tyrannic reign comes to an end, as a new dawn of accountability and intelligent critique emerges. May all cinephiles rejoice! Gird up your loins! The moviegoer lifestyle is vindicated!

Who knows what wonders await us all…

(Coming tomorrow: “Best Boy”, the story of a retarded cousin.)

  1. Awesome!

  2. Yessssss! I’ve been so lost with no one to tell me what to watch, and I’ve wasted brain cells on movies like Hellboy II. HELLBOY II!!! Do you see what you’re negligence has done to me?

  3. Oops, I misspelled “your,” so sorry about that.

  4. your forgiven

    And I sincerely apologize for subjecting you to such horror.

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